Sunday 22 June 2014

UOR Summer Ball

Last Saturday was my university's annual summer ball; basically a huge one-night festival held round the back of the student's union. To be honest, it was kind of over-rated for how much we paid to get in, but overall it was a good night with some of my favourite people. I am really going to miss living with the guys at 116. It's pretty much become my home and I am slightly unsure how I'll deal without this place to come back to. The past two years have been the best and summer ball was a great send of for the end of an era!

[Outfit: Kimono - New Look
Dress - H&M
Sandals - Ebay
Bag - New Look]

Thursday 12 June 2014

Weird, busy week

Haven't really had the time to post since last week, as I have been swamped with various work and social things. Last Saturday, after a pretty unsuccessful morning trying to go to a car boot sale with my housemates (it rained), I went out for dinner with Will's parents and their family friends. It was all good until I woke up at 3am chundering my guts up. Bad times. I think it was probably food poisoning or sun stroke as I felt really ill during the day too. It took a while to recover as I really hate being ill; it completely freaks me out, so I end up having pseudo-symptoms for a while after due to the mere anxiety of it all.

Yesterday marked the launch event for the re-development project I've been involved in with Uni; re-decorating the children's audiology department with a "secret garden" theme, at the Royal Berkshire Hospital in Reading. We had a great turn out for the event, with local news papers and even ITV meridian news in attendance. It's been a long process fundraising for the materials we needed, but it's all paid off in the end. Our blog shows the progress made on the project here.

I felt bad being so ill over the weekend as me and Will were supposed to go out for his friend Joe's birthday on the sunday, but couldn't. So I ended up arranging to go to Nandos with the guys on Wednesday evening, which was pretty funny. It feels good that they've accepted me as "one of the lads" now haha. It definitely makes for more interesting banter and less awkwardness.

Friday 6 June 2014

"Gin Dear" Reading University Degree Show 2014


Today was my university art department's finalist degree show; the culmination of four long years work and the department's most anticipated event. As a third year, I went along with some friends to view the work and support our fellow students. It kind of made me a bit nervous for next year, when it would be us exhibiting the final products of our degree. There were some really good pieces this year; the ones pictured above stood out to me especially, although I stupidly didn't make note of all the artists that the work belongs to. 

Day out in London: Natural History Museum, Kensington & Oxford Street shopping


On Thursday my housemates (Tien & BenBen) and I went to London for the day. We ended up wandering around the Natural History Museum, which was fun as I haven't been in years. It was a very educational experience. Then we walked around Kensington trying to find a place to eat, deciding on Bella Italia, where I had an amazing vegetarian calzone with salad. Tien & myself carried on to do some shopping on Oxford Street, specifically Forever21, but I didn't end up buying anything unfortunately. Was overall a really fun day; I always love London in the sunshine :)


Dress - AxParis
Crop Top - Boot Sale

Denim Jacket - Vintage
Bag - H! by Henry Holland @ Debenhams
Necklace - Topshop
Earrings - Primark
Boots - Dr Martens

Photos by Tien Nolan

Tuesday 3 June 2014

Dinosaur Mini Golf & OOTD

Taking advantage of the good weather and freedom from uni work, my housemates and I ventured into town for a few rounds of mini golf. Being massive dinosaur fans (if you saw our living room, you would understand) the theme provided endless amusement, as you can see from our shameless selfies! 

Outfit Of The Day:

Earrings - Primark
Dress - New Look
Necklace - Primark
PU Jacket - New Look
Bag - H! by Henry Holland @ Debenhams
Boots - Dr Martens


I tried to choose photos that would represent my life, rather than attempt to write about who I am, what I do etc. as it would probably end up sounding pretty cringeworthy. So yeah, from the top and left to right;
  1. Uni course friends and I jumping at the John Lennon wall in Prague in March on the annual art society trip away.
  2. Home girl friends on a night out who I've known forever, sometimes we hate each other but mostly we're solid.
  3. Putting a pretzel in front of my face at the Bavarian Beer House because why not.
  4. A photo of my feet from a first year art project on "journeys" that I just liked.
  5. Best uni friends/housemates on a night out; like my Reading family pretty much.
  6. Me and mah boi Will Biden he is "da best" (I shouldn't speak like this ever ever)
  7. In my pink beanie at the Charles Bridge in Prague
  8. Most recent art work entitled "Glass x3"
  9. Chocolate fudge mallow cupcakes; I bake a lot :)

Post Number One

Ever since I was about 14, I have constantly had some form of blog; starting out on Xanga as an angsty teenager, then starting various blogs for my art work and university as well as reblogging a hundred posts a day on my personal Tumblr. Now I figured was the time to start a "serious" blog about my life, work and everything in between. Enjoy! :) :)