Tuesday, 3 June 2014


I tried to choose photos that would represent my life, rather than attempt to write about who I am, what I do etc. as it would probably end up sounding pretty cringeworthy. So yeah, from the top and left to right;
  1. Uni course friends and I jumping at the John Lennon wall in Prague in March on the annual art society trip away.
  2. Home girl friends on a night out who I've known forever, sometimes we hate each other but mostly we're solid.
  3. Putting a pretzel in front of my face at the Bavarian Beer House because why not.
  4. A photo of my feet from a first year art project on "journeys" that I just liked.
  5. Best uni friends/housemates on a night out; like my Reading family pretty much.
  6. Me and mah boi Will Biden he is "da best" (I shouldn't speak like this ever ever)
  7. In my pink beanie at the Charles Bridge in Prague
  8. Most recent art work entitled "Glass x3"
  9. Chocolate fudge mallow cupcakes; I bake a lot :)

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